Yellow on yellow

My neighbor Robert Petersen brought over this painting from his last show. We hung it in a yellow room. It’s perfect. Robert looks quite marvelous too in his blue sweater. When talking with him about color I found out that yellow is a primary color and cannot be made by mixing other colors together.  The primary colors: red, blue and yellow are the root of every other hue imaginable.

The writing underneath the picture of Raphael reads "Cinda saw a fawn last Friday".

The writing underneath the picture of Raphael reads “Cinda saw a fawn last Friday”.

Today is a particularly drab January day with an overcast sky. Bleak is a word I would use to describe the day, but for Robert the sky had all sorts of grey hues. Looking out from my window he thought this particular grey was beautiful. We love artists for their perception and ways of seeing that can tune us back into what is most splendid: a yellow room, a blue sweater and a grey sky.

For more information on his work


Almost the shortest day of the year

It is now dark at about 4:30PM.

My simple lights run from XXD battery

My simple lights run from XXD battery

But look at what some of my neighbors have done. Where are they running the electric lines from?

In the past this is something I would NEVER attempt for reasons of taste and economics – all that electric drain – but somehow lately I have been intrigued.



Enjoy the dark nights and Merry Christmas to all.


Things That are Near Though Distant

Across the street

Sei Shonagon is very brief in her list of ‘Things That are Near Though Distant’. She lists:

  • Paradise
  • The course of a boat
  • Relations between a man and a woman

I’m sure she’d agree with my addition of Rainbows

Across the street to the right – same rainbow

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